Half Size Script in Adobe Illustrator

posted in: Automation Scripts | 0

Half Size Artwork files are very important in the industries that do large format printing. We understand our users who work in Adobe Illustrator and creating Half Size files. The Half Size script is no different than any other script. We have mastered the Half Size Script in Adobe Illustrator, so the user can easily choose what percentage they want to reduce the size. And Yes, it works like a MAGIC!! Our scripts are highly customizable and suit many business needs.

How to Install the Scripts? (Click Here)

How to use Half Size Script in Adobe Illustrator?

  1. First, install the script. Need help with this step? Visit our “How to install the scripts” link above.
  2. Import your artwork into Adobe Illustrator.
  3. Open the Actions panel.
  4. Load the Action called “AutomationHalfSize” Need help with this step? Click here for instructions.
  5. Select it and also click on the play button located on the bottom of the Action panel.
  6. Upon a prompt, enter the percentage of reduction needed.
  7. Finally, the script is applied and enjoy your artwork now.

This action and script combo will come in handy, especially, if you find yourself reducing your files on regular basis. Automate your process and speed up your workflow.

Please contact us with questions. Because, we’d love to hear from you!

To buy the script, click on the visit shop link.

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