Pole Pockets Script in Adobe Illustrator

posted in: Automation Scripts | 0

Pole Pockets in the banner industry are very important. We understand the banner industry and know Adobe Illustrator is commonly used. So, we have automated the Pole Pocket set-up. Pole Pocket script is no different than any other script. We have mastered the Pole Pockets Script in Adobe Illustrator, so the user can choose the distance between the hemlines and how much of pole pocket they need. Yes , it works like MAGIC!! Our scripts are highly customizable and suit all the business needs.

How to install Scripts in Illustrator ? Click Here

How does our Pole Pockets Script work ?

  • Install the Script (.jsx file). For install directions, see above: “How to install scripts in Illustrator”.
  • Install the Action (.aia file). If you need help with installing .aia files click here.
  • Import your artwork.
  • Open the Actions panel.
  • Look for and select the action called “AutomationPolePocket”
  • Click on it and then click on the play button located on the bottom of the Action panel.
  • You will be prompted to choose the distance of your hemline. Enter the distance (in inches) and then click ok.
  • Next, a window with 4 buttons: right, left, top, bottom. This selection indicates the sides where the pole pockets will be. Select the directional area where you would like the pole pocket.
  • Then you will be asked what the distance of your pull pocket from hemline. Essentially, the pole pocket size. Select appropriately and click ok.
  • At last the script is applied and enjoy your artwork now.

Finally, a solution to this tedious process. Once you have Pole Pockets Script in Adobe Illustrator installed, the pole pocket set-up is completely automated. In our book, that’s pretty awesome!

Please reach out to us, if you have questions. Because we’d love to hear from you!

To buy the script click on the visit shop link.

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