How to overcome Creative Block

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Every new idea opens up the door for many more. New ideas often root from creative thinking. However, sometimes it seems impossible to come up with new ideas. This is called a creative block. So, if you are stuck in a rut, here are a few things that you can do to overcome creative block and get the creativity up and running.

How to overcome Creative Block

Get some air 

This perhaps is one of the most common phrases that we pick from the sitcoms. Getting some air helps a lot. A brisk walk can increase overall activity in the body and brain. You will be able to think better. Also, there is a chance that you encounter something on your way and find your “Eureka” moment.

Focus on not focusing

Did you know that our brain consumes about 20% of our body’s energy? Having said that, you need to understand that our brain also needs downtime. So, don’t stay fixated on the task when you can find a solution. Take a break to do something that doesn’t need too much focus. This gives your brain some time to reset. 


Books and articles are always a great source of inspiration. They present you with new perspectives to look into things. Eclectic reading helps you to develop new ideas. This helps you think out of the box. So, creative block or not reading always helps. Fiction, fact, manga, no matter the genre, books never fail to amuse.

Marvel at the mundane

Many times we ignore things we see and experience every day labeling them as trivial. But since we are comfortable with them, we hardly feel the effort. Performing mundane tasks can still fill us with a sense of accomplishment. When we cannot be creative, non-creative tasks can help us stay occupied and help us focus.

Expand your mind

Human brain interacts with creativity and logic differently. But they do influence each other. Try to step out of your comfort zone. Maybe solve a crossword puzzle or revisit your high school mathematics. You will gain new insights and will be able to overcome the creative block. 

Don’t get disheartened

One bad day is not the end of the world. So don’t get disheartened or stressed. Stress can affect creative thinking negatively. So, take a break now and then. Reflect on what you have achieved, as it boosts your self-confidence. Take help from people  around you like your family, peers, or relatives. 

Practice digital isolation

Social media is a great platform for artists to get their deserved recognition. But, sometimes you spend too much time scrolling through the contents. As a result, you end up losing time and your day becomes unproductive. Be careful of the time you are spending on them. Staying glued to the screen harms your eyes and your sleep cycle. Don’t get biased by the glamour that appears on social media. 

Accept and learn from criticism

Sometimes it’s difficult to gauge your own potential. Don’t be afraid of sharing your ideas with others. There will be good and bad reviews, but, in the end, you get many new perspectives. Try to work based on the insights you receive as a part of the criticism. Remember, the goal is to improve yourself and get your talent recognized. 

Analyze your work

Creativity can have both subjective and objective components. Subjective components are difficult to analyze. So, analyze your work objectively. For example, check for proportion, perspectives, light, and shade in your artwork. Self-assess your artwork. Keep a track of what works best with your skillset.

Eat healthily

It is needless to say how important our diet is for body and mind. Stick to the diet which you have been accustomed to. Avoid junk and fatty food as they can upset your stomach and affect your mood. Eat according to your body’s metabolism so that you feel energetic. Maintain a fixed schedule for taking your food.

Everybody has a different mechanism to overcome their creative block. Meditation and Yoga is a preferred method nowadays. It helps to calm your agitated mind and helps you get a better perspective of the world. Nonetheless, the creative block is a temporary phase and patience plays a key role in helping us to overcome it. You need to take special care to stay away from biases and addictions. Remember that improvement is a process. Your mind is your greatest asset. 

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