How To Improve 3D Prints

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In this guide, you will learn how to improve your 3D prints. All you will need is any kind of computer. In our test, we used a Dell computer with intel Celeron x64 based cpu and 4 gigs of ram. The key for perfect printing is slicing your 3D files really good.

Ultimaker Cura is a universal software which helps you slice your 3D models in no time. Don’t worry, if you don’t have prior experience with 3D printing, this guide is very easy to follow.

It is an open source software which can be used with many 3D printers. Here is the direct download link for the Ultimaker CURA software.

LINK: Ultimaker Cura

Improve 3D Prints Tutorial

  • Start CURA Software and first select your printer. If you are unable to find your 3D printer, select the custom option.
  • Second, Open the 3D model you wish to print and drag and drop it to the 3D view.
  • Now look on the right pane and you will find very simple sliders. It tells how detailed you want to print. A lower number of mm on the first slider will result in finer print. It should be noted, that this step is crucial, because, the level of detail in your 3d model determines the print time.
  • Next, it’s time to decide how much density your model should have (this property in 3d world is called Infill ). Heck, its an option on the right pane as well. Select the infill to be 25% for the best result. Alternately, these settings can be adjusted with the custom setting option near the bottom of the same pane.
  • After your desired settings are selected, insert a memory card or USB in the computer slot.
  • Click Slice. Slicing creates the layers that a 3D printer follows while printing.
  • After slicing, click Save to the USB.
  • Finally, the last and the most satisfying step too. Take the memory card or USB out of the computer and insert into your 3D printer. Select your <youfile>.gcode file and watch your beautiful model come to life right in front of you.

Have you followed along this far ? Great!!!

I hope this tutorial helps to print your first 3D model. Have Questions ? Let us know in the comments below.

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