What is Imposter Syndrome

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I am not good enough. They will not like it. If thoughts like this circle your mind, you might have something called the impostor syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is a mental state in which an individual has a perpetual feeling of self-doubt. Although it is not a mental illness, it may be detrimental to an individual’s mental health. Imposter Syndrome can affect anyone including those in creative fields such as graphic design, ux/ui design and so on. Read on to learn how to recognize Imposter Syndrome and steps you can take to overcome Imposter Syndrome.

Who does Impostor Syndrome affect?

Impostor syndrome is a very common phenomenon. However, people rarely come out and discuss their weaknesses. As a result, the exact cause of impostor syndrome is hard to find. However, some of the factors might be:

Fixation on success:

Success is seldom used in negative connotations. But it might be for impostor syndrome. Accepting failure might be difficult for some individuals. As a result, even a single blow is enough to crush their self-esteem and confidence.

Prolonged exposure to negative reinforcement:

Not everybody responds well to criticism. Working in an environment that does not promote appreciation may lead to a decline in self-confidence. As a result, individuals start doubting their own abilities.

Focus on perfectionism:

Perfectionists strive for learning thoroughly. Oblivious of the time required to achieve such a feat, they delay the delivery of the task at hand. Hence, organizations label such people as poor performers. This may also lead to a decline in self-confidence.

Imposter Syndrome is a mental state in which an individual has a perpetual feeling of self-doubt.
Imposter Syndrome is a mental state in which an individual has a perpetual feeling of self-doubt.

How to tackle impostor syndrome

Now that you have an idea about impostor syndrome, you might want to re-evaluate yourself. If you suffer from impostor syndrome or lack confidence, explore the following tips. Remember that the solution will only be useful when you muster the courage to face the problem.

Introspect and assess yourself

List out the situations where you feel non-competent. Try to analyze what others did in the same situation. Many-a-times you will conclude that your lack of confidence costs you the opportunity. Don’t be shy to express your views. 

Stop overthinking

It is nearly impossible to know what people are thinking. However, we make it a habit to be overly conscious about our presence in front of others. We think that people will always make fun of our mistakes. But remember, if you take the stage, you are better than everybody who didn’t dare to do it. 

Accept criticism for improvement

If you feel that you are not appreciated enough, analyze the reason. If peers feel the same, the problem might not be with you. Try new ways to present or perform. Be audacious enough to experiment.

Learn to deal with changes

Many of us resist letting go of our comfort zones. But, change is inevitable. Be it management or technological changes in our workplace, adapting is the best way. Your performance may take an initial hit but be motivated enough to improve yourself. Gradually everything will fall into place. If necessary, take tips from experts.

Don’t fixate on perfection

Understand that everyone has some strong and some weak suits. No one is perfect and organizations do not expect perfectionists. You just have to be good enough at the task so that you can deliver in time. As you gain experience, your efficiency improves.

Nurture and appreciate your strengths

Practice makes perfect. Remember that you always have a strong zone. Your conditioning and lifestyle are unique. There is definitely something that sets you apart. Learn to identify it and use it to your advantage. Don’t give up on your strong suit just because the people in your life fail to appreciate it.

Read autobiographies

Almost all autobiographies underline the struggle of the protagonist. This is to say that people have overcome great ordeals by having faith in themselves. Reading such stories motivates you and entices you to take a step out of your comfort zone. Success and failure are cyclic. Don’t let one bad day or one bad moment be the end of you. 

Talk about it

Just like you feel that talking about your insecurity makes you weak, so do others. As a result, no one opens up. Feel free to open up about your insecurities with peers, friends, and relatives. You will be surprised to find that you are not alone. Accepting weaknesses and talking about them is a sign of strength. This also means that you are willing to improve yourself. 

Be confident of your performance

The only question that you should ask yourself is: “Have I given it my best?”. If the answer to this question is yes, you need not worry about the consequences. Stand in front of a mirror and say aloud “Good job”. Our mind is adapted to impulsive fight or flight response when subjected to danger. Nervousness and stress trigger this stimulus in our minds. So be confident in yourself. This way, you have a better chance of making decisions based on logic and knowledge.

Become a Jack of All Trades

Irrespective of what the popular proverb says, to live in a society, you need multiple skills. This is especially important for people with impostor syndrome. With skills in multiple domains, should one endeavor fail, they can derive inspiration from another. This helps free the mind from negative thoughts.

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